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IT Position is Now a Venue to Get Employed with Seaman Job

seaman jobBeing a loan consultant in the Philippines, I have the edge of knowing what works for the overall manpower reserve. I have first hand knowledge where in particular these jobless people can get employment if they can’t compete with professionals and skilled workers in their field for local jobs. Yesterday, I just assisted and had released a seaman loan client who is in the IT (information technology) field. He works as network administrator in a vessel via PTC (Philippine Transmarine Carriers) as his training center. He was able to get released of a 1 day process non collateral unsecured loan via the company I am working for – Global Dominion.

For that matter, I came to a point to ask this client of mine to seek out some answers on how he got employed with PTC for a seaman job and what specific seaman trainings he has to undergo to get a slot for embarkation. I also asked what specific requirements are needed so an applicant for the seaman position job can be applied for. Below are all our conversation and my question answers. I hope this information may be able to help Filipinos in the IT field to realize that they have in store for them, a potential for working as a seafarer and get high-paying salary for seafarers in a cruise ship or luxury vessel.

what you need to know as a borrower5 Ways to Be Employed in an IT Seaman Job

I have summed it up into 5 major ways and means that an IT professional may get employed for seaman job and hopefully receive a big compensation rather than stick with local employment. Please take note that these tips are based from an actual experience handling a seaman loan client thru a short interview I conducted to find out how he got employed with a shipping company for a sailor OFW job.

  1. Get at least 1 year experience in the field of IT, particularly in netword administration and handling.
  2. Find a decent manning agency or shipping agency to apply for.
  3. Find out what specific trainings are involved in order to get a position as IT personnel in a vessel.
  4. Be prepared to invest money to allow for trainings needed to qualify and pursue a career in different available positions for seaman jobs with POEA accredited manning agencies in the Philippines. You can also see a list here.
  5. Be sure to know what documentary requirements you need in order to complete the trainings and become a certified seaman in the Philippines. You can read this post.

By now you must have a clue already that you really shouldn’t capitalize in getting employed for IT jobs with local companies as well as with international IT offices. Fact is, you have a place to go to if you have the initial knowledge where and how to go over with your career of choice. Going for seaman jobs in the information technology field is really easier than most can think of. All you have to do is to try and apply after getting all the necessary requirements and pass the pre-qualifying status needed to be employed to work in a manning agency. Magsaysay for one also accepts IT professionals and I strongly believe that this is a good venue for easing out the problem of unemployment for many IT skilled professionals in the Philippines.

If you are already a seafarer and you want to apply for seaman loan, you may read this post here – http://www.mypilipinas.com/seaman-loan.html.


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