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Seaman Loan – Non Appearance Sure Approval 1 Day Processing and Application

seaman loanPerhaps the only guaranteed type of non collateral loan in the Philippines that can release or award your loan proceeds is the seaman loan. Whether you are an officer or a cruise ship liner maritime worker, you have to know this. Who knows somewhere along the way you might need quick cash to apply for and you don’t know where to go or who to approach. If that is so, then this post is just perfect for you. If you are a seafarer looking for seafarer jobs, you may read my interesting post here. It will help you know how to get the highest paying salary for maritime workers without actually finishing a formal education for seafarers course.

loan borrower optionsAs an additional information to help you realize the convenience of recent promos being offered by different lending companies in the Philippines that offer sure approval loan in a 1 day release mode, seaman loan today is now open for non-appearance processing and application. How to go over with the process is another issue. Luckily, if you happen to stumble upon this post, it means you are in good hands. I have been a top loan consultant for different private lending companies as well as banks in the Philippines that offer loan application assistance for seaman loan. If you want to experience the liberty of applying and getting approved via the non appearance seaman’s loan, you have to read carefully how to qualify and achieve such. Below are some of the very important factors and pointers that you must follow in order to get approved of a loan application for sailors via the non-appearance processing. Never mind about loan calculator. In the end, you can always ask for a full disclosure of a computation. It is where a calculator might come in handy but that is after the actual application process itself.

loan optionsTop 5 Pointers to Achieve Non Appearance Seaman Loan in the Philippines

  1. Make sure to pre-qualify with a professional agent. You can visit this website for assistance. As an alternative, you may undergo a short interview directly with me. Trust me, it helps 50% more to make sure you qualify before you apply for this type of non collateral loan. To get sure approval, contact me ASAP.
  2. Next step is to make sure you have the complete and right documentary requirements and pre-qualifying requirements. See my list below for reference.
  3. Open all communication lines with your agent and make sure he or she has comprehensive contact numbers so you have as many options to contact him should there be any problems regarding your loan application.
  4. Make sure all character references provided have working communication lines. Also make sure that your crewing manager / agency representative is willing to disclose your departure date. Many seafarers fail to work this out prior to application. Failing at this point by the lending company to confirm if your departure is within the allowed 15 days before embarkation / departure as part of the loan policy might mean declined loan application.
  5. Never submit fake / falsified / tampered documents. This can cause you to get banned in multiple lending company providers in the Philippines for any type of seaman loan whether with collateral, without collateral or even those that offer no coborrower loans. Trust me, i’ve seen many fail at this point.

loan requirementsPre Qualifying Requirements in Applying for Sure Approval Seaman Loan

  • You must have complete documentary requirements on hand. These documents must pass the standards of company providers. Ask from your agent especially with proof of residency or billing and IDs allowed. This is where most applications go wrong.
  • Your allottee or immediate family member coborrower must be available for a short qualifying interview. He or she must also be willing to submit own set of requirements.
  • You must not be living in any of the listed negative areas in Manila and neighboring provinces. Ask for the list from your accredited loan agent or from me.
  • You must make sure your coborrower qualifies. For a no questions asked choice, it is best to use either your spouse (if you are married) or your parent or sister/brother as coborrower when applying for seaman loan. Never insist on what is not on the list and always oblige. It takes time to argue rather than comply.
  • Make sure not to disclose any of the following unwanted information – relative military / police / media / lawyer / politician, too much expenses or big mortgage plans your are currently paying for, coborrower departing for abroad and more. Consult with me regarding this or visit my referred website in the blue link above. Talk to your agent and make sure to discuss anything under the stated circumstances listed here for proper briefing.
  • Be patient in waiting. This is where many loan borrowers fail. And although it looks so simple and easy to comply, many clients I have observed lack this. If you are not willing to wait 1 full day, this loan is not for you.

After making sure all is well and undergone in a patience is a virtue process, you can rest assured now of a non appearance sure approval seaman loan. Just wait.

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